
Showing posts from March, 2012

Materials and methods to be used in research paper:

Introduction in research paper: Use past tense through out the introduction. There is an exception for some generally facts and figures Acronyms should be avoided. It is always good to use simple word so that readers will find easy when they read the study. Introduction is very important in the research paper. The research paper should be simple, powerful and also logical to all he readers. Paragraphs which are long should be avoided, Better break the paragraphs into smaller paragraphs. Don’t be afraid to place a good heading in the introduction and discussion. Materials and methods to be used in research paper: Scientific procedures should not be over explained. It is always good to explain the text in a third person passive tense . Always give explanation in detail from which company you have taken the experiment verification. The sources of typical labware are pipet tips, cell culture flasks.