
Showing posts from 2012

How to write a research paper-video

How to write an effective research paper in a simple way is a big question. But this video gives you the steps to write a research paper in a simple way. How to write a research paper-video

how to choose a topic for a research paper-video

Choosing a strong topic for a research paper or term paper is a difficult work and it is one of the complex and initial part of research.You should choose the topic based on your interest.Because you are responsible for the whole paper and you are the only person going to study and work with the complete research paper . The below video gives some tips to choose the topic of your research paper

Simple procedure for writing term paper

A Research paper or term paper is the study of various sources on a particular subject. Some of the simple procedure for writing term paper is listed below.Totally it has three steps. If you follow the steps carefully, then you should make a good term paper. 1.Choose the subject topic: The general error made by students in choosing subject is, they choose a very common or popular topics. They dont know that, the popular topics becomes a very long paper to study. So try to choose simple and non popular subjects. Choose the paper based on your interest,because you are the only person to handle the paper. 2.Collect notes: The first thing to follow is, before writing you should have the thorough knowledge about the that you should collect all the details about the subject and simply do a research on your paper. First you should know the background of the choosen subject topic.You should have a open mind to learn new things, otherwise the research is totally bad.So try to col

Materials and methods to be used in research paper:

Introduction in research paper: Use past tense through out the introduction. There is an exception for some generally facts and figures Acronyms should be avoided. It is always good to use simple word so that readers will find easy when they read the study. Introduction is very important in the research paper. The research paper should be simple, powerful and also logical to all he readers. Paragraphs which are long should be avoided, Better break the paragraphs into smaller paragraphs. Don’t be afraid to place a good heading in the introduction and discussion. Materials and methods to be used in research paper: Scientific procedures should not be over explained. It is always good to explain the text in a third person passive tense . Always give explanation in detail from which company you have taken the experiment verification. The sources of typical labware are pipet tips, cell culture flasks.

Main important points for making the research paper publish

The research paper topic should be unique with best logical content Always make sure whether the topic is used in any other fields about your topic. Taking time to experiment design is always advisable. When you rush into work then the proper Design will get into mistakes so beware moving fast. Choose the materials wisely when you design. If the product is similar in many companies then that process will not at many times. First you should know for what you are studying, why you need to study about the project and also the results will give you the best contribution at the pool of knowledge. Focus your efforts on the hypothesis . You should always move with deeper and deeper about the subject you want to study when it goes smoothly. The deeper you study you will get more knowledge in detail. This will lead you to success. If you are planning to publish the study in high level journal then you have to research more . If you are trying to publish the journal in a low level means t

Tips For Writing Research Paper: 2012

You are troubling with writing Research Papers ? Follow the below tips while writing. 1. Definition: Definition should be clear that about what you are going to talk? You may write the words and ideas but some people might understand that differently, be sure to explain what you mean by them. Especially they should understood that what you are trying to say. 2. Example: You should describe a situation that illustrates what you are talking about. 3. Comparison: Use comparisons, what you are talking about similar to something else. That would bring your points into focus. 4. Causes: What makes this so? Why is it like this? 5. Effects: What does it mean? What results from it? What difference does it make? 6. Contraries: What are the other views you are disagreeing with? 7. Evidence: Are there any people, facts or argument that support what you say? Important Point: Always remember to fully document all of your sources.